The Association for Computers and the Humanities is planning a significant website overhaul in 2022. This project will involve a thorough review and reconceptualization of the site architecture, including archiving outdated content and creating clear and coherent navigation. It will also require the selection, customization, and implementation of a new WordPress theme built with accessibility and responsiveness as primary values.

For this project, we would like to hire a member of the DH community experienced with designing thoughtful information architectures, implementing modern web design, and legacy content wrangling. This will be paid, contract work. The timeline is flexible, but we would ideally like to relaunch the site during August 2022.

Interested candidates should put together a proposal of no more than 3 pages that includes:

  1. A plan of work and timeline.
  2. An estimated budget for the project.
  3. A plan for the sustainability of this redesign.
  4. A description of your experience in WordPress development and design.
  5. Examples of your previous work.
  6. Any other information that you think will be helpful to the ACH Infrastructure and Communications committees that will help in the decision making process.

Committed to activating the ACH’s statement on Black Lives Matter, structural racism, and our organization, we particularly want to encourage proposals from Black, Indigenous and People of Color web designers.

Please email your proposal to by 1 April 2022. We expect to make a selection by 15 April. If you have any questions, please email

The ACH Infrastructure committee will evaluate these proposals with reference to the following criteria:

  • Is the budget reasonable?
  • Is the plan of work reasonable?
  • Is the timeline in keeping with our goals?
  • Is the plan for sustainability solid?
  • Does the proposal take accessibility into consideration?
  • Does the previous work give us confidence in the work ahead?