The Association for Computers and the Humanities is pleased to announce the results of our 2022 elections. We had a slate of stellar candidates, and we are grateful to all the digital humanities practitioners for rising to the occasion of being nominees and willing to work at this organizational level.

The 2022-26 ACH Executive Council members are, in alphabetical order: Eduard Arriaga, Elizabeth Grumbach, and Katina Rogers. And, Andrew Janco and Lauren Tilton will serve together as Vice Presidents/Presidents-Elect.

The terms of our newly elected Executive Council members will start at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting in July 2022.

In the coming days, we’ll be publishing a reflection on this year’s elections and framing choices for future elections.

We are excited about the incoming class of Executive Council members and the ideas and experiences they will bring to ACH! As before, we will seek out opportunities for involvement by our members beyond serving on the Executive Council, and offer them up to those interested. Be sure to follow ACH on Twitter (@achdotorg), or email us at