Originally posted at Digital Humanities Quarterly.

Digital Humanities Quarterly invites nominations and applications for a new General Editor to join the journal’s senior editorial team. This call is the first step in a longer process of updating DHQ’s editorial structure and practices, and the incoming editor will play a key role in helping us to reshape the journal’s larger editorial team, review and update editorial workflows, and put the journal on a secure footing for its next 15 years of operation. In particular we are seeking to diversify the journal’s staffing and bring in new voices. Scholars of color, underrepresented minorities, and people from the global South are strongly encouraged to apply. The new editor would join the team in early 2022 for a five-year term (renewable). The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2021, and the deadline for applications is October 1, 2021.

Founded in 2005, DHQ is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal of digital humanities, published by the Association of Computers and the Humanities and the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. Editorial operations are currently hosted at Northeastern University and Indiana University. DHQ publishes articles, case studies, field reports, and reviews across the range of digital humanities domains.

We seek someone who will contribute vision and energy to the journal’s long-term planning. Candidates should have a strong background in digital humanities, whether as a practitioner, faculty member, public servant, researcher, or other role. No specific experience is required, but applicants and nominees should have a commitment to and interest in open-access publishing and digital modes of publication, as well as to open-source development practices and open data. Experience with managing complex collaborative projects, developing funding proposals, or navigating the evolving waters of the digital humanities field would all be valuable.

The time commitment is roughly one to three hours per week on average, but more at some times than others, and likely quite a bit more at the start. The position’s responsibilities and activities include:

  • Meeting monthly as part of the general editor team
  • Contributing to the management of the journal’s operations. Possibilities include helping to coordinate the effort of the editorial board, contributing to or coordinating work on large-scale projects, maintaining connections with other journals and relevant institutions
  • Contributing to a specific aspect of the journal’s leadership, depending on expertise and interests
  • Contributing to the development and oversight of funding proposals

To nominate someone, submit a short nomination statement and contact information for the nominee via the nomination form. The deadline for nominations is September 1.

To apply, complete the application form which requests:

  • Your contact information
  • A short statement of interest (1-2 pages), including thoughts about your vision for the journal and how you would contribute
  • A CV or resumé

The deadline for applications is October 1.

For questions and information, contact Julia Flanders at j.flanders@northeastern.edu.