In June, The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) released our Statement on Black Lives Matter, Structural Racism, and Our Organization. In keeping with our commitments to action, we are proud to announce DeEtta Jones & Associates (DJA) as our external partner in conducting a systematic review of ACH policies and organizational culture as it relates to issues of structural racism, particularly in connection with the ACH conference, publications, governance, and leadership.

DJA is a minority- and woman-owned management consulting and training firm. Since 2005, they have been a key partner in the library and information arenas on taking action toward anti-racism and equity. DJA guides leaders and organizations on a journey that builds capacity, strengthens innovation, and increases organizational performance by creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment. Their expertise in guiding structural change will be invaluable to ACH as we move ahead in this crucial work.

From now through March 2021, DJA will be engaging in an organizational analysis to develop initial recommendations. Lead Consultant Tyler Dzuba and a team of DJA colleagues will review organizational practices and interview groups of members, past members, and collaborators to inform their analysis. Throughout, they will work closely with the ACH Officers and Council to develop a full picture of the Association’s context and path forward. In the following year, ACH and DJA plan to continue their collaboration in order to systematize and strategize about ongoing changes and anti-racist actions.

We, the Officers, plan to keep the membership updated here and in other venues throughout the coming months as this work progresses. Thank you for your commitment to building a better ACH; we look forward to continually doing that work alongside you.