The Association for Computers and the Humanities is pleased to announce the results of our 2020 elections. As in previous years, the candidate slate was exceptional, and we are grateful to so many digital humanities practitioners for stepping up and being willing to work at the organizational level.

The 2020-24 ACH Executive Council members are, in alphabetical order: Caitlin Pollock, Brandon Walsh, and Jewon Woo.

In the Vice President/President-Elect race, an unprecedented and exciting opportunity arose during the course of the election. We are publishing details in a companion post to this one, but to summarize: at the candidates’ initiative and following discussion, the ACH Executive Council has approved the appointment of two co-Vice Presidents in Quinn Dombrowski and Roopika Risam. They will make decisions by consensus, carry a single vote that must also be reached by consensus, and document both their decisions and the decision making process both for transparency and as a possible model for organizational co-leadership of a major digital humanities organization.

The terms of all our newly elected Executive Council members and officers will start at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting, which is intended to take place in connection with the DH2020 conference in Ottawa, Canada. Of course, given the current state of world affairs, we will be flexible about the timing and shape of the meeting.

We are excited about the incoming class of Executive Council members and about the organizational experiment on which we are embarking. As before, we will seek out opportunities for involvement by our members beyond serving on the Executive Council, and offer them up to those interested. Please read on for more details; we welcome comments on this post, on Twitter (@achdotorg), or by email to