The ACH Affiliation and Liaisons Committee is seeking liaison volunteers! As a liaison volunteer, you would work with this committee’s members to advance the mission of the ACH and its membership through communication and partnerships with communities engaged in digital humanities. Communities might include professional organizations, regional digital humanities group or networks, and other local organizations.

Role of a Liaison

  • Identify affiliating conferences, meetings or organizations to connect with and/or attend;
  • Communicate the goals and values of ACH to affiliating members and organizations;
  • Propose content for affiliating conferences or meetings that can advance digital humanities research and practice (see recent panel presentation at 2019 Modern Language Association);
  • Document connections and partnerships with affiliated organizations (e.g. follow-up report about sponsored conference presentation)
  • Term length is one year, renewable

If you would like to represent the ACH as a liaison, please submit the following details by December 20, 2019 using this form.

  • Full name;
  • Institutional affiliation and current position (if any);
  • Name of professional or scholarly organization, regional digital humanities group/network, or other community you would like to represent as an ACH Liaison;
    • What is your affiliation with the group(s) you identified above?
  • Please provide a short statement regarding your interest in representing the ACH as a liaison, including the particular area(s) of digital humanities with which you engage.

If you have any questions, please contact Anna Kijas, Chair of Affiliation and Liaisons Committee