The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is soliciting self-nominations for ACH members to serve on the Program Committee (PC) for the international ADHO DH2020 conference, to be held in Ottawa, Canada. The PC approves the structure and content of the entire academic program; serving on this committee offers ACH members an opportunity to help shape this large global DH conference.


  • It is expected that PC members will be active, engaged, and timely in their duties.
  • PC members should be willing and able to commit a minimum of 5 hours per month in the first year (2018-2019) with additional hours (10 or more) being needed in 2019-2020 as the Program Committee begins the bulk of its work.
  • PC members are expected to begin work in June 2018; work continues through the closing of the 2020 conference.
  • It is strongly recommended that PC members have attended recent international DH conferences in Montreal (2017) or Mexico City (2018), as well as the 2019 conference in Utrecht
  • Activities associated with the PC will be governed by the ADHO Conference Code of Conduct, the Conference Protocol, the Conference Annex, and all relevant ADHO policies.

Please review these documents prior to committing to this service.

Please self-nominate by 9am EST on Friday, July 6 if possible. Thank you and please email with any questions you might have.