In 2011, Tanya Clement and Doug Reside convened an NEH-supported conversation titled Off the Tracks, which led to the eventual publication of the Collaborators’ Bill of Rights. Prompted by this year’s presidential theme–Textual Transactions–this guaranteed MLA 2019 panel supported by the Association for Computer in the Humanities (ACH) will address questions of “transaction” as a combination of form and function. What models of collaboration have evolved across DH projects over time? How have advisors and students negotiated their roles in digital humanities research projects? What are the rights and responsibilities of mentoring, supervising, directing, or staffing a digital humanities research project? What are the boundaries of these transactions? How can digital humanities transactions challenge our ideas of collaboration?

This session will consider what the rights, roles, and responsibilities associated with forms of DH research and pedagogical transaction. What models are there? What are the pitfalls? What honest conversation can we have about them? We would like to hear models from those working in a variety of situations: faculty, altac, library, student, advisory board, volunteer, or administrator. Proposals should include be no more than 250 words and describe both the opportunities and challenges of “transacting” digital humanities projects. Please also include a short one-paragraph biographical statement. Proposals can be emailed to Lisa Rhody at by March 26th.