This is a joint session proposed by the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the MLA Committee on Scholarly Editions; see the official CFP here.

Has the scholarly edition become more porous as a result of the digital turn? This panel seeks reflections and provocations on the way that the boundaries of scholarly editions have changed or should change. We solicit presentations that will address such questions as:

  • In what ways can editions be dynamic, in terms of temporality, media, or delivery?
  • What are innovative ways of handling versioning?
  • How do hyperlinking and other digital technologies affect the putative boundaries of the scholarly edition?
  • How is “external” content, whether manually or automatically harvested, related to scholarly editions?
  • How is the authority or singularity of the editor changing in the context of digital scholarly editions?
  • What role might citizen scholarship play in relation to scholarly editions?
  • How ought credit to be handled in when digital editions involve collaboration with others, whether they are scholars, students, designers, or technical contributors?
  • How does annotation impact digital scholarly editions?
  • In what ways are editorial control and processes impacted?

Presentations that take up specific projects are welcome but presentations should focus on one or more of the above questions rather than general demonstrations.

We welcome 12 minute papers. We also welcome proposals for non-traditional presentation that would fit within this time constraint. Please send 300-word abstracts plus bio(s) of the presenter(s) to and by March 15th. For those interested in Textual Sustainability please see the complementary CFP.