The Association for Computers and the Humanities issues a call for nominations and self-nominations to serve as one of two representatives to the 2019 Program Committee for the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations’ annual Digital Humanities conference. Held in Utrecht, Netherlands in Summer 2019, the conference is convened by the global member organizations of ADHO. Annually, ACH is able to nominate two representatives to serve on the program committee. To broaden participation from our membership and to respond to calls for greater diversity in ADHO work groups, ACH welcomes its membership to serve on this important committee.

The program committee approves the structure and content of the entire academic program including a mix of papers, panels, posters, and plenary sessions, and works to identify keynote addresses, pre-conference workshops, and plenary events. The conference theme (if any) is decided by the program committee in consultation with local organizers.

Potential nominees should be aware of the extended commitment of this position: it begins in July 2017 and lasts until Summer 2019. Nominees should be prepared to read conference submissions, solicit reviewers, assist in guiding the review process, be willing to develop panels and other presentation groupings, navigate multicultural, multinational digital humanities communities, and provide regular informal reports to the ACH executive on the activities of the program committee .

Nominees must be current members of ACH and must have served as a reviewer for the Annual Conference prior to 2017. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged. Send a statement of interest/nomination of no more than 500 words to with ACH PC2019 in the subject line. The statement should speak not just to the nominee’s qualifications, but also to how they anticipate assisting in the duties of a program committee member as it relates to the ACH mission. If a third party is sending in a nomination, the nominee should also send in a brief statement of interest confirming willingness to participate fully.

Nominations must be received by June 15, 2017. Decisions will be made by the Executive Committee of ACH no later than July 1, 2017.