We are pleased to announce the results of the 2016 ACH election in which three new executive council members were elected. Patricia Hswe, Purdom Lindblad and Thomas Padilla were elected to serve on the Executive Council for the 2017-2021 term. All new terms will begin at the close of the annual summer Executive Council meeting.

ACH members also had the option to vote on other proposals (see ACH elections cycle change 2016). Bylaws changes altering the elections cycle were ratified, which means that our next round of elections will take place in the spring of 2018. ACH Recommendations for Assessment of Digital Scholarship in Tenure and Promotion were endorsed and the ACH Identity Statement was endorsed.

Many congratulations to the elected candidates, we are thrilled to start (or continue) working with you! We also want to thank all of the candidates in this year’s fantastic slate for their willingness to serve on ACH!