ACH is delighted to release the 2017 call for reviewers and reviewer nominations to its members. In June, the ADHO Steering Committee unanimously approved the DH 2017/DH 2018 joint program committee proposal that we formally expand the pool of reviewers. As part of this proposal, each Constituent Organization has been invited to nominate members who meet the criteria established for reviewers. You may nominate yourself or (if you are already a reviewer) nominate others. If you reviewed in the last two years, you should already be on the reviewer list. If you haven’t ever reviewed or haven’t received a reviewer request since 2013, please consider self-nominating if you meet the criteria below.

Candidates must meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • Be currently associated directly with or have been associated professionally with an institutional DH program, project, or initiative within the last three years.
  • Hold at least a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline (including but not limited to Humanities, Science(s), Library Science, Fine Arts).
  • Have presented at an ADHO-, CO- or SIG-organized conference, symposium, colloquium, or equivalent.
  • Have published a DH-specific article or essay in a scholarly journal or volume (either print or electronic).

Active reviewers should agree to review at least seven proposals during the scheduled review period.

The Steering Committee approved the following wording for consideration in terms of ADHO’s ongoing efforts to support diversity and inclusion within our discipline:

“Nominations should reflect ADHO’s mission and stated expectation that reviewers “be selected to represent a range of disciplines, interests, and geography.” We [the members of the PC for DH 2017 and DH 2018] would extend that to be more inclusive, using appropriately all criteria that seem relevant to improve the diversity and inclusivity of the conference in consideration of language and gender. In putting forward a candidate, the nominator should be cognizant of and attentive to their own organization’s statement of diversity.”

Please submit your self-nomination and/or nominations of others via email to Program Chair, Diane Jakacki at by 30 September, 2016, including in your nomination the following information for each candidate:

  • Name of nominee
  • Nominee’s professional affiliation and job title
  • Active email for nominee
  • Brief identification of candidate’s meeting criteria (no more than 50 words)
  • Confirmation that candidate has expressed interest in serving as a reviewer and their willingness to review at least seven proposals for DH 2017 conference.

Diane will compile the full list of nominees and submit it to the ADHO Conference Coordinating Committee by 10 October. Approved reviewers will be contacted via ConfTool to confirm their willingness to participate and ask them to create or update their ConfTool user profile to include the language(s) in which they are proficient for evaluating professional work and their areas of expertise.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Diane. Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity. ACH hopes to see many of you in Montreal!


The DH 2017 Program Committee

via ACH