Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is a major professional society for the digital humanities. You are invited to join us this year for our General Meeting at the DH2016 conference. This year the meeting will take place Thursday, July 14, during the conference lunch break, 1-2:30pm in Exhibition Room 1, Audimax, Jagiellonian University, ul. Krupnicza 33. The meeting is open to the public, and all are welcome. Lunch will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis for up to 80 attendees.

New Tenure and Promotion Guidelines Discussion

We need your input! Following the lead of scholarly societies in some of the disciplines most actively represented in digital humanities work, the Association for Computers and the Humanities is putting forth some draft guidelines for the evaluation of digital scholarship in tenure and promotion processes. We will be discussing the new guidelines at our AGM meeting. Before we do so, we would like to hear from you. We have prepared a public copy of the draft on Google Docs for you to comment on. Please leave your inline comments using the comment feature, or if you would prefer to send us general comments please write to us at

Jobs Slam

Our AGM will include our popular “jobs slam,” a fast-paced lightning round in which job seekers have an opportunity to introduce themselves to their digital humanities colleagues and potential employers (or be introduced by a mentor)—and people with jobs to announce can share their good news!

If you have a current or upcoming job opening at your institution, please send a message to with the following:

  • Your name, affiliation and basic contact information
  • Basic information about the job (title, affiliation, duration, etc.)
  • A link to other information, if available

If you are on the job market or anticipate being so in the next few months, please send a message to with the following:

  • Your name, affiliation and basic contact information
  • Basic information about your qualifications & area of expertise

Purveyors and seekers of jobs will each have up to 30 seconds to present. Please come join us for this exciting match-making event!