The ACH is very pleased to announce a partnership with DHCommons meant to broaden our successful digital humanities mentorship program. The ACH's mentorship program matches newcomers to the digital humanities with experienced advisors in the field for job market advice, networking, and professional guidance.If you would like to participate, visit the DHCommons sign-up page and complete the ACH Mentoring program fields.

Once you've filled out your basic information, click "ACH Mentorship Program" in the left column and indicate 1) whether you would like to request a mentor or volunteer to be a mentor and 2) your experience and interests in DH. The ACH's mentorship program coordinator, Stéfan Sinclair, will use this information to match you with a partner who shares your interests within a few days. To learn more about the ACH's mentorship program, visit our mentoring page.

All information about ACH mentees and mentor volunteers is kept private, and shared only with the matching committee and the mentor/mentee you're matched with. If you're seeking guidance about digital humanities, or if you're willing to share your experiences and offer advice, edit your DHCommons profile today to sign up for the ACH Mentoring Program!