The Association for Computers and the Humanities is very pleased to announce the winners of our 2012 Microgrants competition!

ACH Microgrants were established to reward enterprising ideas that serve the digital humanities community by building on existing ACH initiatives like Digital Humanities Quarterly and DH Answers. We especially value proposals from emerging scholars and DH practitioners that promise to expand the community, create new content or analyses of existing content, or build links with other DH initiatives.

The 2012 ACH Microgrants winners are:

Amanda Visconti (PhD student, Maryland-College Park): $285 to develop and share methods for visualizing the citation network evident in articles published by Digital Humanities Quarterly

Quinn Dombrowski (Chicago): $169 for a proposal on behalf of DH Commons and Bamboo DiRT, to provide cross-linking from both projects with mentions of specific tools on Digital Humanities Questions and Answers

Matt Burton (PhD student, Michigan) and Dave Lester (master's student, UC Berkeley): $500 to develop a digital humanities jobs database, incorporating historical data collected by ACH